Building a guitar - pick-up height adjustment


Your guitar is more than just a musical instrument; it's an extension of your musical expression. To ensure your guitar produces the perfect sound, you need to become adept at the art of fine-tuning. In this guide, we'll focus on one critical aspect of guitar setup: adjusting pick-up height.

Why Adjust Pick-Up Height?

The pick-ups in your guitar act like the ears of your instrument, translating string vibrations into the melodies you create. To optimize your guitar's tone and volume, meticulous pick-up height adjustment is key.

Getting Started

Before diving into pick-up height adjustment, ensure you've taken these preliminary steps:

  • Position Pick-Ups: Start by positioning each pick-up at the lowest level, essentially aligning them with the pickguard.
  • Selector Position: Set the selector to the position that activates only the pick-up closest to the neck. You'll fine-tune the others later.
  • String Up and Tune: Install your strings and make sure they are tuned properly.

Adjusting Pick-Up Height

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter: adjusting pick-up height for the perfect sound. Here's how to do it:

  • Single-Coil Pickups: Each single-coil pickup can be adjusted on both the bass and treble sides. To start, aim for the first string to be approximately 1/8 inch (or roughly the thickness of a pickguard) above the pickup pole. Similarly, set the sixth string to be around 3/16 inch over its pole.

  • Experiment: The initial measurements are just starting points. The magic happens when you experiment. Listen closely as you play your guitar, and make incremental adjustments to the pick-up height. Pay attention to the tone and volume changes as you go.
  • Balancing Act: Achieving the ideal pick-up height is a delicate process. Find the sweet spot where your guitar delivers the desired tone and volume. This can vary depending on your playing style and musical genre.
  • Record and Compare: Record your playing during the adjustment process and compare the results. This will help you identify the pick-up height that suits your unique style.

Enrich Your Playing Experience

Your guitar's pick-up height plays a pivotal role in shaping your instrument's tone. By becoming skilled in this adjustment, you can tailor your guitar's sound to your preferences, whether you're strumming mellow ballads or performing energetic solos.